Homelab Tutorial How I use Split DNS with NextDNS I use a split DNS setup to enhance speed to my local services at home and security while on the go.
Homelab Tutorial Secure Ghost with Cloudflare Access Ghost ships without any form of MFA. This is bad security posture to have on a CMS. This is how I secured my Ghost admin portal behind Cloudflare Access.
Homelab Tutorial Cloudflare Pages + Blocs How I host beautiful static sites made with Blocs for free on Cloudflare Pages.
Homelab Tutorial Cloudflare Access + Synology SSO Server A tutorial on how to integrate Cloudflare Access with a Synology SSO Server.
Homelab Tutorial How I use an MDM at home With JumpCloud, I streamlined the process of adding and configuring devices, especially my Apple products, utilizing its policy management features.