William Anderson

Cybersecurity Junior, Cybersecurity Student, IT Consultant, and Homelabber.

I serve as a Data Security Associate in Richmond, VA, where I focus on safeguarding information systems to ensure their security. I work diligently to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with security protocols.



Desktop, Mobile, Network, Web, and Security services.

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Client projects, Coursework, and Homelab projects.

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Latest Posts

Jun 10, 2024

Homelab Tutorial

How I use Split DNS with NextDNS

I use a split DNS setup to enhance speed to my local services at home and security while on the go.

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Jun 7, 2024

Homelab Tutorial

Secure Ghost with Cloudflare Access

Ghost ships without any form of MFA. This is bad security posture to have on a CMS. This is how I secured my Ghost admin portal behind Cloudflare Access.

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